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Customer Care

Hello and Welcome! Everything you see in the shop is handmade. The kiln gods can be testy long after an item has been removed from the kiln. So, things can get broken along the way.

I will do my best to make you happy. I will be that person who you wish was going to serve you when you entered a business. I will prove to you that good service does exist. If you are mean to me, I will donate money (In your name) to the politician NOT of your choice.

I usually will not sell an original painting. I will sell prints of my paintings. Hopefully I can get one made to the size you would prefer. This is the reason for no pricing of the prints. We will have to speak to each other about needs and wants. I do have a friend that owns one of the biggest printers in the world, and he has assured me my stuff  is easily handled. I am able to print giclee'.


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Sizes and prices change due to which dimensions are ordered. There will be 50% deposit when deemed necessary.

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